Learning starts right here!

you see real learning outcomes while your child enjoys a game

introduce your child to the Voxi learning universe
via the mobile app
for children aged 2 to 6.5 years

introduce your child to the Voxi learning universe
via the mobile app
for children aged 2 to 6.5 years

Getting ready for launch.
Sign up now and receive a 15% discount

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We have their trust

Join the kids who learn with VoxiKids

children and parents

love the app
of children have developed their pronunciation/language skills in 8 weeks* practising at least 3 times/week

*varies according to each child – the reference is for a child with average development

1 in 3 parents
prefers VoxiKids
as learning and development solution for language/pronunciation and vocabulary

Personalised learning on three different pathways

Verbal understanding mode

Verbal comprehension exercises help your child develop listening skills, concentration and interpretation of verbal information. Vocabulary, communication and critical thinking skills are improved.

Learning step by step​

Pre-reading exercises, for children aged +2.5 years, but also very suitable for children with speech/vocabulary delays. Improves school performances and develops logical thinking and memory. Through regular practice, children become more alert and creative.

Explore and learn

Access to games, children’s music and puzzles improves language skills, stimulates creativity and social and emotional development. A fun way to learn and explore the world around you.

Verbal understanding mode

Verbal comprehension exercises help your child develop listening skills, concentration and interpretation of verbal information. Vocabulary, communication and critical thinking skills are improved.

Learning step by step

Pre-reading exercises, for children aged +2.5 years, but also very suitable for children with speech/vocabulary delays. Improves school performances and develops logical thinking and memory. Through regular practice, children become more alert and creative.

Explore and learn

Access to games, children’s music and puzzles improves language skills, stimulates creativity and social and emotional development. A fun way to learn and explore the world around you.

How does it work?

Download the app from Google Play or AppStore

(we do not ask for credit card details)

Create a parent account


If you already have
VoxiClinic account - you can login with those credentials

Try the free features and then choose the appropriate subscription for you

Descarcă aplicația și testează gratuit 7 zile

Children love to learn with Voxi characters

Focused on child development

Through the app, we engage children in developing basic skills such as early literacy, reading/writing practice, language/pronunciation development, improving memory and listening, while encouraging creativity and developing social-emotional skills.

Educational & Attractive

Cute and friendly characters who guide your little one on a magical educational adventure – this includes our narrator, Voxi the little fox – guides your child through activities and stories.

Co-developed with industry experts

VoxiKids app was co-developed in collaboration with speech therapy experts from Romania and the UK, aligned with standards in speech therapy taking into account the developmental stages of the child.

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+ 6000

educational games
& activities

+ 184

vocabulary, pronunciation and other exercises

+ 316


+ 125

parent accounts created in the VoxiKids app

Experiencing games that train develops educate enrich

Experiencing games that train develops educate enrich

What can you expect to find in the VoxiKids app?

In addition to +300 exercises, children have access to +10 memory games, writing training, reading training and pronunciation training.

As your child explores new worlds and befriends magical creatures, discovers new ways to solve a problem.
With no time-limited challenges or strict skill progression, our exercises provide a safe space for your child to explore and make mistakes.

VoxiKids delivers real learning results, always!

Children who engage in learning more than 3 times a week show a learning enhancement of more than 75% in the first 2 months.

Descarcă VoxiKids și testează gratuit 7 zile

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Parents and children ❤ us! Here's what they said

our biggest supporters

Information about speech and language

Întrebări frecvente

Vârsta potrivită pentru terapie/logopedie online este de 3 ani.

DA. Pentru a accesa VoxiClinic, recomandăm utilizarea unui laptop sau a unui calculator (desktop) cu cameră video și microfon. Atenție! Este nevoie de conexiune bună la internet.

Nu. Pentru că VoxiClinic este o platformă complexă, iar comunicarea dintre logoped/terapeut – copil și interacțiunea cu conținutul platformei trebuie să se desfășoare într-un mediu confortabil și pe ecrane mari. 

 Telefonul sau tableta nu sunt suficiente pentru susținerea ședințelor.

Da. Cercetările spun clar că terapia online pentru dezvoltarea /corectarea vorbirii pentru copii este la fel de eficientă ca terapia în persoană și au aceleași efecte ca terapia în cabinet pentru a ajuta copiii să-și îmbunătățească abilitățile de vorbire și limbaj. Cei care caută alternative mai convenabile și mai accesibile decât logopedia tradițională ar putea să exploreze opțiunea terapiei online și să vadă dacă este o potrivire bună pentru familia lor.

Un logoped este un specialist care evaluează, diagnostichează și tratează tulburările de comunicare și limbaj. Aceasta poate include probleme legate de vorbire, pronunție, voce, fluență (cum ar fi bâlbâiala), limbaj (abilitatea de a înțelege și de a folosi cuvintele pentru a comunica eficient) și probleme de înghițire. Terapia logopedică poate fi aplicată atât copiilor, cât și adulților și include o gamă largă de tehnici și exerciții personalizate pentru a îmbunătăți abilitățile de comunicare