Authentic stories

Learn how we've partnered with our clients to help them build a better future for children

Gabriela Gherghiศ™an

Special Educational Psychologist

I have been working through VoxiClinic since April 2022 and so I have been able to conduct my speech therapy sessions from the comfort of my office, or from the comfort of my home. This is beneficial for both myself and the children as they remain in their familiar environment at home using a laptop or computer.

VoxiClinic brings as a first novelty the integrated online resources and the possibility to perform speech therapy online through the platform. The digitisation of classic speech therapy exercises and activities is another new element, but at the same time very meaningful given the worldwide evolution of things.


Carolina Bodea Haลฃegan

PhD. at the Department of Special Psychopedagogy at Babeศ™-Bolyai University

Elena Mititelu

Clinical Psychologist

The children I work with really enjoy being in front of the computer, as they are tech-savvy and have adapted fast to online therapy. From where I stand this platform helps the children a lot. Both children with autism and the neuro typical ones.

The Platform is an extremely practical tool in the speech therapy. From my point of view it is a digital practice. It is a way to improve the child’s language, both receptive and expressive. It includes a variety of examples and it helps us specialists to organise our sessions much better, to take notes in real time and to create quality reports. It helps the parent to be present in this “digital office” with their child.ย 
I really appreciate the hard work of the team (from idea to market launch) who worked on this wonderful and useful project. It is a considerable loss not to have an account in such a platform. Thank you and I wish you further good luck and inspiration!

Hanganu Elena

Clinical Psychologist

Loredana Maior

Mother of a baby girl - 5 years old

Speech therapist Major Fabiola is an exceptional person, with a patience and empathy that I have rarely encountered. I recommend all mothers to turn with confidence to the VoxiClinic platform, with the help of an exceptional team of specialists they manage to outline what we parents do not succeed without expert help. It’s great to spend time in the comfort of your own home, not wasting time in traffic and being able to have therapy with specialists from another county as we did.

Our story starts 1 year ago when my little girl was 5 years old and in her vocabulary there were a lot of words she didn’t correctly pronounce. Those around me were telling me to stay calm that with the beginning of nursery school this problem would be solved but my heart as a mother was crying and wanted to make sure that my child was understood by others. Until one day on TV I heard about the mobile app VoxiKids, I started searching I downloaded it on my phone and started with my little girl the fun little games but soon I realized that I didn’t have the necessary training to help her and she refused to repeat after me to make the proper pronunciation. The next day I sent an email to the creator of VoxiKids and asked her to put me in touch with a specialist, namely a speech therapist through a platform this time – VoxiClinic. That’s how I met the lady whom I want to thank from the bottom of my heart for what she achieved in a short time and thanks to this interactive platform everything was easy and playful for my little girl.
Good luck in succeeding in making happy, proud parents and fulfilled children.
Yours sincerely, Loredana Maior

The challenge of my professional career came in March 2020 when I had to teach online speech and language therapy and I wasn’t ready for that.
It was time to study online teaching methods.ย 
That’s how I discovered the VoxiClinic. I have tested how an online therapy session goes and found that I can continue my therapy at the professional standards of face-to-face therapy without risking my health or the health of my clients. Children are excited about the sensory play, parents are more engaged in speech and language therapy and travel expenses are lowered.

The parents who have undeveloped digital skills manage to create an account in this digital clinic, it decreases the risk of cancelling sessions as they have no one to leave the other children at home with while they come to therapy with this child. These are some of the advantages VoxiClinic offers.
Thank you for all you offer and I wish you success in all you do!

Fabiola Maior

Special Education Teacher

Daniela Popescu

Clinical Psychologist

The VoxiClinic platform is very useful, both as a resource in speech therapy and as a tool to motivate the child to practice. Although I have done online therapy before, I have not had a platform that facilitates the experience as VoxiClinic does. I like that it’s easy to use (both online and in-office), has a wide range of exercises (with new features being added all the time) and kids are excited to engage in the sessions.
I think in the current context, where online is increasingly present in many aspects of life (work, school, socialising), the effort to keep up and digitise speech therapy, making it very accessible, is quite admirable.


VoxiClinic is a digital platform that supports children with speech difficulties and specialists who are seeking new approaches for them. The platform offers a wide range of exercises and illustrated material that can be easily used by speech therapists and children alike. I find the exercises intuitive, adaptive and the children really enjoy interacting through the platform, so it really adds the value of an interactive and fun game for children. Children learn and grow by playing!

Melania Chiศ™u Mureศ™an

Psychopedagogist and Speech Therapist

Ioana Marcela Criศ™an

Psychopedagogist and Speech Therapist

The VoxiClinic platform is a ” just a click away ” solution for the correction of language and communication disorders, adapted to the particularities of today’s children who are very attracted to learn from electronic devices (laptop/tablet). For me this platform has become an important tool in both assessment and speech therapy intervention. This collaboration has strengthened my confidence in online therapy and at the same time helped me to diversify my work in the practice. I recommend both therapists and parents to access the VoxiClinic platform. I think that in today’s context, where online is increasingly present in many aspects of life (work, school, socialising), the effort to keep up and digitise speech therapy, making it very accessible, is admirable.

I’ve been using the VoxiClinic platform since its launch. Since then, it has been constantly updated, having various versions and ways of use, adapted to a wide range of users, parents, therapists, speech therapists, being a complex digital clinic, both for activities of stimulation and development of receptive and expressive language, and for speech therapy activities for non-typical children, but also suitable for typical children. It is structured in several chapters – preachers, vocabulary and comprehension, incorporates notes and much more. Basically you have everything you need at your fingertips in one session. From notes to games as rewards at the end of the activity, exercising fine motor skills. I recommend both specialists and parents this platform.

Cristina Lemni

Therapist and Speech Therapist

Roxana Alexandra Popa

Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Coach

The VoxiClinic platform, developed by the Voxi team, enables children across the country to access personal development, psychological counselling, coaching and speech therapy.
Together with the child, as a specialist on this platform – I have the opportunity to work online with the interactive and user-friendly ย digital resources created by this team of wonderful young people. I benefit from ongoing support in streamlining my intervention through the constantly updated tools in the platform. VoxiClinic, tools aimed to this new profile of “child of the Digital Age”.
Thank you VoxiClinic for making this possible.
“The universe of children – without limits”!
Good luck in the future!

The VoxiClinic platform has helped me a lot in interacting with children, either online or in the practice. The platform has a lot of interesting resources and useful features for speech therapy that helps in keeping the child’s attention as the information is displayed to them in a diverse and interactive way. This “digital practice” stimulates both receptive and expressive language through its wide range of exercises. I personally endorse digitalisation for educational purposes because technology surrounds us and is constantly developing, we must embrace it, personalise it and use it in the best interests of the children harmonious development on all sides.
The team at VoxiClinic & VoxiKids has done a wonderful job in this sense and I thank them for their effort!

Gabriela Gherghisan

Special Psychopedagog

Cฤƒtฤƒlina Andrieศ™

Mother of a baby boy - 6 years old

Through this platform I found a very good speech therapist and thanks to it, my child in a few months of special therapy with very exciting and fun programs has come to speak very clearly!
Very satisfied and I confidently recommend this platform!

Schedule a demo of the platform with one of our consultants to see how you can integrate VoxiClinic in your practice.